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Teachings from Sipekne'katik

A cultural reclamation is underway in the Mi’kmaw community of Sipekne’katik.


The First Nation is situated just eight kilometres from the site of the former Shubenacadie Indian Residential School. Indian day schools operated in the reserve from 1894 to1996.  During centralization in the 1940s, the federal government forcibly relocated many Mi’kmaq from around Nova Scotia to two reserves, one of which was Sipekne’katik.


Together, these colonial policies tried to strip Mi’kmaq of connection to land, language, culture and identity. 


But the Mi’kmaq are still here, still strong. 


From ribbon skirts to medicines to culture and language in the classroom, Sipekne’katik community members share their time and expertise to pass on teachings. 

Special Thanks

We were warmly welcomed to Sipek'ne'katik by so many people, and are grateful to all who shared their insights, humour, wisdom and kindness with us.


A very special thanks to:


Courtney Knockwood
Jill Paul
Elder Mary-Lou Bernard
Elder Joe Francis
De-Anne Sack

Greg Gruben
Eileen Brooks
Marie Robinson

Sarah Paul
Gloria Googoo

Darliea Dorey

Lorraine Bernard

Vernon Maloney

Mark MacDonald

Sandra McDonald

Loretta Sylliboy

Harriet Knockwood
Tommy J. Howe
Gerald Gloade
Tim Bernard
Roger Lewis

Land Acknowledgement

This course takes place in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq.

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