Sports, Culture and Community
Sports are about so much more than who wins and who loses. Sports can teach leadership and teamwork, create role models and foster community pride. Sports have the power to shape communities.
That’s certainly the case in Eskasoni, Unama'ki (Cape Breton) where all kinds of sports are thriving. And with the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) coming to Nova Scotia in July 2023, it’s not just sports that will be on display but Mi’kmaw culture and language as well.
That’s why this year, the Reporting in Mi’kma’ki class decided to highlight stories about the deep connection between sports, culture and community in Eskasoni. We spoke to current and former athletes, a coach, and culture and language leaders to hear how this connection impacts their lives.
Special Thanks
At its heart, Reporting in Mi’kma’ki is about bringing people together to share stories and teachings that help us better understand each other and the ways in which we are all connected. It’s the Mi’kmaw philosophy of Msit No’kmaq, or All My Relations.
We are so grateful to those in Eskasoni who shared so much with us: Elders, knowledge keepers, community leaders and educators who warmly welcomed us into their homes, workplaces, schools and sweat lodges. Wela’lioq!
Special thanks to:
George Paul
Chief Leroy Denny
Shelly Stevens
Beverly Jeddore
Michael R. Denny
John Denny Sylliboy
Elle Gould
Eldon Gould
Clifford Paul
Zane Sylliboy
Laura Johnson
Ernest Johnson
Michael Denny
Madeline (Sugar) Poulette
Walter Stevens
Newell Johnson
Craig MacDonald and his students from Allison Bernard Memorial High School
Levi Denny
Terry Bernard
The Staff at Goat Island
Donald Morrison
Morris Bakery